Our thoughts are with those affected by recent fires. If you are dealing with an insurance claim see tips for fire claims here.

Getting Help With Fire Insurance Claims Infographic

Getting Help With Fire Insurance Claims

How Public Insurance Adjusters Increase Fire Insurance Claim Settlements

Fire Insurance Claim Cost

Fire insurance claims are expensive. In fact, they’re the most expensive insurance claims by average cost.

  • National Average Cost: $78,000
  • Average Range: $40,000 to $350,000
  • Minimum Cost: $5,000
  • Maximum Cost: $1,000,000+

Fire insurance claims are complex. Two contractors may provide different estimates. Your insurer may dispute the claim and offer a low payout. You might get paid less than you deserve – even if you did nothing wrong.

Fortunately, Public Adjusters help.

What is a Public Adjuster?

A Public Adjuster is a licensed insurance industry professional who specializes in navigating tricky claims.

You typically hire a Public Adjuster for claims worth over $10,000. Public Adjusters use their expertise to ensure a higher payout.

Public Adjusters & Fire Insurance Claims

Many Public Adjusters specialize in fire insurance claims.

They negotiate with insurers on your behalf. They analyze your claim to ensure everything is covered. They can increase payout by 300% or more.

Fire insurance claims are complicated. Most homeowners aren’t experts. Unfortunately, insurers take advantage of your inexperience to secure higher profits. By hiring a Public Adjuster, you can fight back.

How Public Adjusters Help

Public Adjusters perform several roles to maximize fire insurance claim payout:

  • Obtain a fair claim settlement payout higher than the initial offer
  • Provide expert assistance at all steps of the fire claim
  • Negotiate with insurer to fight for your best interests
  • Manage your fire damage insurance claim from start to finish (from the initial inspection and estimate, to ultimate settlement)
  • Offer a second opinion from someone who represents your best interests – not your insurer’s bottom line

Case Study: Dallas Historic House

A historic home in Dallas was insured for $421,000 and destroyed by a large fire. It was a total loss. The homeowner and insurer disagreed on the payout.

The home was insured for $421,000, but the insurer valued the property at $365,000. The insurer offered a payout of $365,000 to cover the actual cash value of the property.

The homeowner hired a Public Adjuster. The Public Adjuster identified features and fixtures on the home that significantly increased its value. The insurer later paid the full $421,000 value of the policy. The insurer also obtained additional coverage for debris removal, damaged landscaping, and additional expenses.

Public Adjusters are available to help with your insurance claim

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