Our thoughts are with those affected by recent fires. If you are dealing with an insurance claim see tips for fire claims here.

Tips for Leaky Pipe Damage Insurance Claims Infographic

Tips for Leaky Pipe Damge Insurance Claims
Signs of a Leaky Pipe Problem and How to Make a Claim

Signs of a Leaky Pipe Problem

Spotting a leaky pipe early can help you avoid a costly claim.

  • Musty odors, including mold and mildew smells
  • Discoloration and other visible damage to walls and ceilings
  • Bulging walls and ceilings
  • Unusually high water bills (or a water meter that keeps running)
  • Low water pressure
  • Odd smells from running appliances (like toilets or washing machines)

How Insurance Covers Leaky Pipe Damages

A standard homeowners insurance policy covers sudden and unexpected damage, so it could cover leaky pipe insurance claims:

Structural Damage: If a leaky pipe caused structural damage to your home and its foundation, then insurance could cover this structural damage.

Damage to Property & Possessions: Homeowners insurance covers your property and possessions, including the contents within your home.

Restoration and Repair Costs: Insurance covers the cost of repairing your property to pre-loss condition after a loss.

Learn more from this article about home insurance coverage for plumbing and leaky pipes.

Why Insurers Deny Claims

Insurers may deny a leaky pipe insurance claim:

  • Insurance covers sudden and unexpected damages, like a burst pipe
  • If a pipe was leaking over several months and you didn’t notice, insurers may deny the claim
  • Insurers may also deny claims related to poor maintenance or wear and tear
  • If you failed to heat your home, causing a pipe to freeze and burst, then insurance may deny your claim
  • Insurance may cover the leaky pipe water damage and surrounding structural damage, but it may not cover related mold damage

How to Make a Claim

Water damage insurance claims can get messy. Although no two claims are alike, here’s the standard claims process from start to finish:

  1. Secure the scene. Call 911 if necessary. Protect life before property. Ensure all people and pets are safe.
  2. Contact your insurer. Your insurer may dispatch an emergency contractor or give you a list.
  3. Document damages by taking photos and videos. Photograph all damaged structures and possessions.
  4. Wait for the contractor to repair or restore the damage. You may receive additional living expense (ALE) coverage while your home is repaired (to stay in a hotel and buy meals).
  5. Consider hiring a public adjuster to navigate the claim, especially if your insurer is dragging its feet or denying parts of your claim.

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